About me

Welcome! I am Raphaela Stipsits, I currently live in Vienna, Austria and I love asking (philosophical) questions and reflecting on a variety of things. I often engage in discussions and find that topics can be viewed from numerous perspectives. The discussion process thus enables to develop further and shape our lives authentically. I would like to share my thoughts with you and hopefully inspire reflection, awareness and positive change. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments with me as well. Please use the comment function to do so!

As for my background, I hold a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Ethics from the University of Vienna. The training I chose certainly relates to my passion for thinking about ethical issues and how people should treat each other and the world, also entering the field of psychology. In my work with students and workshop participants between the ages of 18 and 50, I discovered my passion for deep one-on-one conversations and for helping people in such a setting by listening attentively to them, restructuring their thoughts, asking them questions and finding answers together with them. I also enjoy painting, practicing the ability to express my feelings visually. I find peace when I enjoy the gifts of nature, star gazing, ocean watching, petting a dog, or driving the endless roads of the southwestern United States.